Renowned director Karthik Subbaraj’s latest venture, ‘Jigarthanda DoubleX,’ featuring Raghava Lawrence and SJ Suryah, has been making waves since its release last month. The film, a...
As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of John Wayne’s 1971 film Big Jake, the legendary actor’s estate is teasing an upcoming McCandles Family Reunion. By...
SUMMARY John Carpenter loves Westerns and cites director Howard Hawks as a major influence. Many of Carpenter’s movies are Westerns in disguise because the genre was...
JEFF BRIDGES REFLECTS ON CANCER DIAGNOSIS: ‘CAME PRETTY CLOSE TO DYING’ Over three years after his lymphoma diagnosis, Jeff Bridges reflected on a harrowing set of...
“What John Wayne film do you think had the biggest impact on the cinema industry?” asks Marisa Wayne in the first episode of the John Wayne Gritcast. Ethan Wayne...
In what is a big push to the team, the official account of director Clint Eastwood has replied to a fan, who had asked the director...