Martin Scorsese revealed his passion for “The Searchers” early in his career. In his first feature film, 1969’s “Who’s That Knocking at My Door,” the main...
The John Wayne his fans know and love didn’t really show up until John Ford’s “Stagecoach” in 1939. Though the director and silent Western star Tom...
If there’s any person on this planet that knows how to make a “good” Western film, it’s undoubtedly Clint Eastwood. The actor and director has made...
Marion Robert Morrison, also known as John Wayne or “The Duke,” remains a popular actor and filmmaking icon. He died at 72 years old on June 11, 1979. Wayne touched...
FORT APACHE star John Agar said he’d “go to hell and back” for John Wayne after Duke patiently mentored the young actor, who was constantly being...
I correspond with a kid who writes letters on a typewriter. Take a moment and think about how odd that sentence is. His name is Rossell...
Bob Dylan usually lets his music speak for him, and he did just that during his first meeting with actor John Wayne. When two of pop...
JOHN WAYNE’s iconic Western The Searchers saw one scene with Duke where the truth of a terrible set mistake by Ward Bond was covered up so...
No filmmaker loved ripping off their own work more than Howard Hawks. And if your oeuvre is riddled with all-timers like “Bringing Up Baby,” “Only Angels...
JOHN WAYNE was ridiculed and shamed constantly by John Ford on the set of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. His co-star Woody Strode later claimed...