John Wayne was once one of the biggest names in Hollywood. His performances in multiple Westerns even led to his name to becoming synonymous with the...
In the early days of the classical Hollywood era, the demand for new movies was so great that studios created low-budget production wings (known as B-units)...
Throughout his career, Clint Eastwood may have played various heroes in the cinema. But he’s also been a hero in real life as well. The actor...
John Wayne was always the epitome of a man’s man. He helped define an entire genre with turns as the noble but gruff cowboy in westerns. But...
John Wayne was a hard-nosed Marine sergeant, a naval lieutenant and a commander of an airborne battalion during the invasion of Normandy. But those were his...
Ethan Wayne calls it an “epic,” and Patrick Wayne says it’s “so connected to our American heritage.” They’re talking, of course, of The Big Trail, one of...
Everyone knows that Santa Claus has a white beard, but John Wayne might have the title for gruffest-looking Santa in history. On Friday, the John Wayne Estate released...
It’s been nearly half a century since John Wayne last donned his iconic stetson hat to play a Western hero, but the actor’s name is still...
Before they became the movie stars they ended up becoming, Universal Studios fired both Burt Reynolds and Clint Eastwood in the same year. The studio obviously...
John Wayne was one of the few men in the audience. He was surrounded by women, most of them middle aged, and they all were so very...