The new figure features Eastwood as Josey Wales in the 1976 film, complete with the iconic scowl that Eastwood dons in the film. The figure comes...
John Wayne is a legendary Western movie star who the world will always recognize for his contributions to the medium. However, his final words on his deathbed didn’t have...
Director Stanley Kubrick is known for being a taskmaster on his sets. Many actors have recounted horror stories about the director’s dedication to details and how...
The Western genre went through a series of changes over the years. However, John Wayne will always remain one of the most iconic depictions of the...
With a career spanning over 6-decades, Clint Eastwood has made a mammoth fortune with his net worth standing at $375M following his contribution to the field...
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is one of John Wayne‘s most iconic roles. However, he didn’t have the most enjoyable time behind-the-scenes. Wayne’s frequent collaborator, John Ford, gave...
The disaster drama movie “Hereafter,” directed by Clint Eastwood, explores the supernatural and the philosophical. The movie, which came out in 2010, looks at life after death through...
John Wayne and Clint Eastwood are perhaps the two best-known actors in the Western genre, but they came from two distinct periods in the genre’s history....
The new instalment sees Fiona Bruce and the team at Clissold Park in the London borough of Hackney. Among the uncovered gems are some valuable whisky...
SUMMARY Clint Eastwood may be the most famous actor associated with Spaghetti Westerns, but there are many great films in the subgenre that don’t feature him....