John Wayne believed one scene from True Grit featured his best ever work as an actor. Wayne starred in everything from romantic dramas to wacky comedies throughout his...
Before John Wayne began making low-budget Westerns in the 1930s, stunt performers were rarely, if ever, acknowledged or given credit for their work. Studios didn’t want...
Two of John Wayne’s movies have been lost to time. Long before his breakout role in John Ford’s Stagecoach, Wayne was a struggling young actor who fronted dozens of...
CLINT EASTWOOD has become one of the most famous and best-known action stars of all time, but he refused to take on the role of the...
His iconic 1966 western film “The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly” was a huge success and has continued to be very well-known even nearly six...
John Wayne tried to break his Western typecasting early on in his career – which almost destroyed it. A look at Wayne’s filmography reveals he made...
In recent years, Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood only directed or acted in movies that were based on true stories. And considering that the trend went on...
For western genre enthusiasts, Clint Eastwood is an almost untouchable icon. Loved and revered by anyone who has held a toothpick in their mouth without any...
Clint Eastwood had a very familiar piece of wardrobe when he starred in “Unforgiven” in 1992. He wore his boots from his “Rawhide” days. Eastwood broke...
Actor John Wayne didn’t always have stardom on the brain, especially when he was in high school. He had several passions, involving himself in several areas, involving journalism,...