For the three-part Gunsmoke episode “Gold Train,” Matt Dillon receives a bullet wound that Doc decides is beyond his skill level to operate. This sends the...
The Left Handed Gun is a Western that cast a then 33-year-old Paul Newman as real-life outlaw Billy The Kid. The short life and death of...
John Wayne’s brutal tradition on every film reduced co-star to tears says George TakeiGeorge Takei starred with John Wayne in The Green Berets and revealed that...
John Wayne was ‘enraged’ by Kirk Douglas on The War Wagon set – ‘We never saw eye-to-eye’The War Wagon star John Wayne, who had relied on...
let’s look back at seven of his most memorable roles, all of which showcase what critic Todd VanDerWerff calls Garner’s rare ability to “make his essential...
The watch was given to him by his wife Joanne Woodward as they filmed the 1969 movie Winning together. Newman, who died in 2008 aged 83,...
Had he signed on, The Frisco Kid could very well have been John Wayne’s final Western, but Harrison Ford eventually nabbed the role. Wayne built his...
During the Golden Age of Hollywood in the 1920s, actors and actresses shot to fame—but only if they tailored their images to the demands of the...
Geraldine Chaplin, the daughter of the legendary comedian Charlie Chaplin, had the honor of presenting the film “Seneca – On the Creation of Earthquakes” at the...
Paul Newman also admitted why he would have preferred to play Robert Redford’s Sundance Kid instead of Butch Cassidy. After Steve McQueen turned down Butch Cassidy...