In celebration of Father’s Day, John Wayne: An American Experience is giving its visitors a special offer just for this weekend. In a Twitter post, the...
A lone rider, dust-caked and grizzled, approaches a ranch house in the distant reaches of West Texas. Ethan Edwards — played by John Wayne in perhaps...
The Battle of the Alamo was fought over 13 days on the grounds of an 18th century Spanish mission in San Antonio in the winter of...
The Searchers is one of the greatest Westerns ever made : It would hardly be a list of must-see Westerns if John Wayne didn’t show up,...
The American Film Institute decided the top 10 Westerns of all time and we’ve got the 411 on the ones that ranked. People have always loved...
Home/Uncategorized/”The Searchers” has always had a strong influence, always creating a great resonance until now. Uncategorized admin2 weeks ago0 22 Less than a minute ”The Searchers”...
In the last 15 years of his life, John Wayne suffered from serious health problems. A heavy smoker, he was diagnosed with lung cancer in the...
Having starred in 1974’s McQ, John Wayne played another tough cop in 1975 action thriller, Brannigan, opposite Richard Attenborough. Set in London, the movie saw Duke’s...
JOHN WAYNE’s last few movies saw the Western legend’s co-stars and crew remember a physically weakened Duke, who was determined to carry on despite being on...
JOHN WAYNE – who appears on screens this weekend in some classic films – suffered heartbreakingly cruel treatment from his mother, who once said she “didn’t...