While Jackie Chan has always been an affable and comedic performer, even going back to his early martial arts films from the 1970s, something curious happened...
Clint Eastwood rose to stardom in the 1960s by employing a minimalist style of acting as Sergio Leone’s Man with No Name in “A Fistful of...
John Wayne was one of the most dependable stars in Hollywood when he formed Wayne/Fellows Productions with producer Robert Fellows in 1952. When Fellows parted ways...
Following John Ford’s The Searchers, Duke had made an effort to move away from the genre, however, the films he made afterwards weren’t particularly well received....
Perhaps their most famous was 1956’s The Searchers which saw Duke play a Civil War veteran spending years searching for his abducted niece, played by Natalie...
John Wayne might’ve been full of macho swagger on the big screen, but off-screen he was given to fretting. A large portion of the blame for...
10 years after his breakout performance in John Ford’s “Stagecoach,” John Wayne found himself the object of some critical derision due to his insistence on giving...
It’s rare to see John Wayne back down in a standoff, but that’s exactly what happened when shooting one of his most revered films. By 1939,...
It’s been nearly half a century since John Wayne last donned his iconic stetson hat to play a Western hero, but the actor’s name is still...
In the early days of the classical Hollywood era, the demand for new movies was so great that studios created low-budget production wings (known as B-units)...