Defining the western genre with his grit and gun-slinging skills, John Wayne remains an iconic staple in the film industry. Whether it’s the constant collaboration with...
Legendary actor John Wayne continues to inspire generations of Western movie fans. Some specific movies of his redefined the genre forever. However, Wayne’s “D” belt buckle...
Though Frank Sinatra had more conservative political leanings toward the end of his life, the celebrity was initially liberal enough to pick up suspicion from the...
John Wayne is an American legend who remains one of the few timeless faces of the Western film genre. He finally won the only Oscar of...
John Wayne defined Rooster Cogburn. Almost literally.You remember Rooster Cogburn, the aging marshal from True Grit. But did you know that in the earliest versions of...
John Wayne always had a very distinctive voice and way about him that both made him unique and sought after as a Hollywood star. But his...
Every week, we share dispatches from Texas Country Reporter, the long-running TV show that invites you to hop in and travel along to explore the backroads...
Around the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Wayne was not the big-name actor we remember him being today. He was fresh off...
Actress Mia Farrow has been in some iconic film roles in her career. For her, not appearing in this John Wayne classic fills her with regret....
Gunsmoke Director Andrew McLaglen had his good friend John Wayne to thank for his directorial run in Hollywood. According to an interview with the Directors Guild...