That movie in question was “High Plains Drifter,” which released in 1973. In addition to starring in the film, Eastwood also directed the now-classic western. But...
The set of The Quiet Man was the scene for one of the great secrets of the golden age of Hollywood – and Irish legend Maureen...
Widely celebrated movie star John Wayne was and continues to be, not only a household name but a classic American icon. He is one of the...
They’re good, they’re bad, and they may be ugly, but they’re surely interesting to watch. Western movie stars are true cowboys of their generation, who epitomize...
The chemistry between John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara onscreen and their close bond behind the camera led many to believe that the two legendary actors were...
True Grit is one of the most iconic western movies of all time starring legendary actor John Wayne, who personified the genre itself. He brought the 1969 film...
Actor John Wayne avoided serving in World War II, which had both positive and negative impacts on his career. The “super-patriot” always held high opinions of the country...
In many of his movies, John Wayne appears to be invincible. He’s a tough and unflinching cowboy who seems to make it out of any shoot-out alive. However,...
Actor John Wayne had such a presence that he managed to stop a violent riot from turning lethal. However, it didn’t come without any consequences. Director John Huston’s dislike intensified...
The biggest Oscars 2022 moment that audiences can’t stop talking about is the time when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock over his joke aimed at Jada Pinkett-Smith. However,...