A lone rider, dust-caked and grizzled, approaches a ranch house in the distant reaches of West Texas. Ethan Edwards — played by John Wayne in perhaps...
In celebration of Father’s Day, John Wayne: An American Experience is giving its visitors a special offer just for this weekend. In a Twitter post, the...
By the time John Wayne reached the age of 34, he was one of the most recognizable faces in American culture. He championed himself as a...
A genuine World War II tank made an appearance in one of John Wayne’s many hit films. And, the origin of this tank is just as...
John Wayne had many famous friends in his day—and one notable enemy, Frank Sinatra. For years, the two kept their disdain for each other at bay....
While they worked together in the 1976 film “The Shootist,” John Wayne reportedly was looking into teaming up with Ron Howard once again for another film...
John Wayne is known as the gritty, rugged cowboy who will go to any length, including putting his own life at risk, to save his town...
John Wayne is known around the world as one of the most iconic cowboys of all time. Decades after his death, John Wayne continues to be...
The career of John Wayne is one of the most revered in all of American filmmaking regardless of genre. Even long after his death, his unmatched...
When you hear the names Elvis Presley and John Wayne, the word icon undoubtedly comes to mind. Although they were famous figures in their own right,...