Back in 1956, John Wayne starred in his most iconic collaboration with John Ford. The Searchers was shot in the filmmaker’s favoured location of Monument Valley...
Out of either James Stewart or John Wayne, who was The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and how does this alter the ending? John Ford is regarded as...
There are countless books on John Wayne, and it comes with good reason, he was an actor who became a cultural icon through his starring roles...
John Wayne was seen as a bastion of conservative values, especially in the latter stages of his career. But when his career went stratospheric in the 1940...
John Wayne and Montgomery Clift were both monumental actors that had a true impact on Hollywood and the field of cinema. However, they had contrasting images and represented an...
John Wayne had a strong passion for the movies that he made. He carefully selected the roles that he accepted once he reached stardom. However, Wayne grew...
Movie star John Wayne was very particular about his image. He wanted Hollywood and the world beyond the entertainment industry to view him in a specific way. However,...
No doubt one of the greatest actors in movie history, the all-American Hollywood star John Wayne became an icon of the western genre throughout the 20th century. From...
Movie star John Wayne and The Lone Ranger actor Clayton Moore both held a strong foothold in the Western genre. One operated in film, while the other was recognized for...
It was only after Bond’s death that Ford was told the actor had ruined a flawless take on the Searchers. There had been a mysterious power...