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He ate 700 eggs in one month: Here’s what happened to his body

These days it feels very much like fad diets and strict rules regarding the consumption of food are all the rage.

Most people have a certain goal in mind when they decide to drastically alter their eating habits. Perhaps it’s to gain or lose weight, maybe it’s to live healthier, maybe it’s just because their morals don’t align with the diet they currently follow.

I think it’s safe to say that most of us have opted to cut things out of our diets in the past. I think it’s also safe to say that very few of us have ever undertaken a challenge quite like a man named Dr. Nick Norwitz.

A researcher-educator whose website describes his mission as being to “Make Metabolic Health Mainstream,” Dr. Norwitz found internet fame recently through his YouTube channel, where he documented his journey after deciding to consume 700 eggs in month to see what would happen to his body.

That’s right… 700 eggs! For those wondering, that amounts to two cartons of eggs every day for 30 days. Or, as the doctor puts it, one egg per hour. A challenge not for the faint of heart, I’m sure we can agree.

In order to reach the required levels, Dr. Norwitz had to consume an impressive 24 eggs a day. His reason for undertaking what most of us would probably describe as a daunting and extreme food regime? He wanted to prove his hypothesis that such an extreme intake of cholesterol-rich eggs would not significantly impact his cholesterol levels, specifically his LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol.

Chances are you’ve heard of cholesterol, almost universally believed to pose risks to the heart when at consistently elevated levels.

When I was young we were taught that cholesterol was undeniably bad for you, and that consuming cholesterol-rich foods every day would set an individual on a path that would spell serious trouble in the future.

24 eggs a day

Times change, of course, and so does the general consensus of health experts. These days there are those who argue that cholesterol isn’t as dangerous as previously advertised. Since I’m not a doctor I won’t sit here and tell you it’s perfectly fine to ingest 24 eggs a day (don’t try it at home, please), but in fairness to Dr. Norwitz, his experiment revealed some interesting data.

As per the good doctor’s YouTube channel, his cholesterol levels did not exhibit the expected spike after he had consumed a whopping 720 eggs in just one month.

Instead, he claimed to have observed the opposite – his LDL cholesterol levels not only remained stable but progressively decreased. In the first two weeks, Dr. Norwitz’s LDL cholesterol dropped by two percent, but would go on to drop by 18 percent in the two weeks that followed.

Delving into the science behind the results, Dr. Norwitz explained that the regulation of cholesterol synthesis by the liver is influenced by dietary intake, and that after he introduced additional carbs to his diet, his LDL levels appeared to balance out.

“The extra dose of carbs dominated over the insane amounts of cholesterol I was consuming,” he explained, as per the New York Post.

Norwitz then chose fruits such as blueberries, bananas and strawberries, to eat in the final two weeks of his experiment, resulting in the aforementioned dramatic drop.

Have you ever taken on a crazy food challenge or tried a new diet? Let us know in the comments.

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A lady moves her car to avoid a garbage bag on the road, then checks it out and feels scared.

You might have experienced this before. Suddenly, you decide to do something a bit different from your usual routine. Maybe you change when you have your coffee or leave work a bit earlier. Even small changes in your daily routine can make a big difference. You might run into an old friend unexpectedly, or find out something upsetting about your partner soon after leaving work.

Sometimes, changes are tiny, and other times, they’re huge. Just like what happened to Malissa Sergent Lewis one summer day when she decided to take a different way to work.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

One summer morning in 2016, Malissa Sergent Lewis was running behind schedule for her job at a school in Kentucky.

Malissa decided to take a smaller road instead of the busy highway because she wanted to get to her destination faster.

She’ll always be thankful for making that choice.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

That day on the road, there was something unusual: a moving trash bag.

When Malissa saw it, she wondered if it was really moving.

As she got closer, she realized it was indeed moving.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

Malissa really wanted to see what was in the bag, so she stopped her car and walked over to it carefully, not sure what she would find inside.

Malissa understood that since the bag was tied, whatever was inside wasn’t there by accident.

She carefully ripped open a corner of the bag to look inside.

Even more surprising was what was inside.

“It was a young dog. He was really happy to see me, too. When I opened the bag and he saw light, he immediately started wagging his tail. I couldn’t believe it,” Malissa told The Dodo.

The puppy was found in the road, inside a trash bag. It seemed like the dog hadn’t been in there for too long, even though even a short time would have been too much for the little guy.

Even though the puppy had a collar, there were no tags on it.

Malissa took the dog to school with her because she couldn’t stand to leave him behind.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

Finally, Malissa’s son took the dog back home. Then, both of them took the puppy to the vet for a check-up and shots.

It’s a mystery how the puppy ended up in a bag by the roadside.

Malissa was afraid someone might take or leave the puppy, so she called animal control.

But nobody said the dog belonged to them, and nobody reported losing it.

Luckily, Malissa and her family have adopted the dog, so he’ll have a loving home. Malissa can’t understand why someone would do something so cruel.

Who would hurt an animal like that? Everyone loves puppies. Malissa said to The Dodo, “Putting any animal in a trash bag and leaving it on the road is really cruel.”

To watch a video about the event, click this link:

The ways of the world are strange. Malissa couldn’t understand it.

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Young woman with facial tattoos, piercings confronts TJ Maxx employees after she was denied a job

Anyone who has ever been rejected from a job has probably found themselves wondering what disqualified them from the position. Was it a lack of skills, the way you presented yourself, or something else?

Ash Putnam, 23, was recently denied a job at TJ Maxx and took her frustrations to TikTok where her video went viral.

Her video has since amassed more than seven million views and tens of thousands of comments. As the 20-something, who is covered in tattoos, wondered how young people could get an entry level job, everyone in the comments seemed to be in agreement about one thing.

Putnam explained on her viral TikTok how she applied for a job at a TJ Maxx only to receive an automatic email “a few weeks” later denying her application.

“They couldn’t even call me, they just sent me some automated email.”

Unsatisfied with the response, Putnam visited the store where she applied and confronted store employees.

“I went in today and was like, ‘So what was the reason why I didn’t get hired?’ She was like, ‘Oh you just don’t have enough experience there was candidates that had more experience than you’.”

“I asked her if it was about my tattoos obviously because I know a lot of places don’t like tattoos. She said that wasn’t the reason, I don’t feel like that’s true but whatever I will leave it at that.”

“Just because I have tattoos does not mean I am not going to be a good worker. I do not understand that at all. Quite literally some of the most smart intelligent people I have ever met are people with tattoos and piercings,” she continued.

Although the Californian, who works for Uber Eats, never get a straight answer from TJ Maxx, people on TikTok seemed to agree on the reason she was denied the job.

“tattooer here, it’s probably the tattoos”

“HR supervisor here. There is no way any company would put you in front of customers like TJ maxx.”

“I worked at TJ Maxx and they will hire just about anyone that comes off the street it’s definitely the tattoos and piercings”

“I don’t think it’s because you have tattoos…I think it’s WHERE you have tattoos ??‍♂️”

Putnam also seems to think it’s her tattoos as well.

“I absolutely do think it’s about my tattoos because apparently my tattoos are demonic and scary to a lot of people,” she told the Daily Star.

“TJ Maxx did not say this to me – that’s just a lot of the comments I’ve gotten on my video. People are being extremely hateful on my TikTok saying I should work at a circus or Halloween stores.”

Even if her body art is the reason she was denied a job at the retailer, she believes companies need to rethink their hiring process.

“If they think tattoos determine job skill and qualifications they really need to rethink. Tattoos, piercings and colored hair are not unprofessional. It shows creativity and uniqueness. It’s 2024, people need to get over not liking tattoos.”

Do you think tattoos play a part in whether or not a person gets a job? Should they? Let us know your thoughts on Facebook.

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Teen who wasn’t expected to live 18 months graduates high school

When Braden West was born, doctors told his parents that he would not survive.

The little boy had all odds against him – but his life-threatening condition would lead to one miracle after another. Today, Braden is 22 and celebrates his life by becoming a firefighter.

Braden West was born with the rare craniofacial condition, Pfeiffer syndrome Type 2, which causes malformations of the skull and an underdeveloped brain. His mom Cheri understood something was wrong and was told about her son’s condition two weeks before he was born.

“I mean, he’s kicking in my belly and I’m praying for God to take him home,” Cheri told News Nation Now in 2020, adding:

“It looked like he was not going to have the back of his head. It looked like he was going to be born with teeth. It looked like it was a bad situation.”

But when Braden was born, Cheri immediately bonded with her special boy.

Facebook / Michele Eddings Linn

Sadly, Cheri also felt that there wasn’t much she could do to save her baby boy. Many of the children with Braden’s condition will not live past birth. In Braden’s case, he wasn’t expected to live beyond 18 months.

“I said dear God please, just let me have him for a little while,” said Cheri.

“There’s a picture of him when he was born and it shows his skull very well, a distinct clover shape,” Cheri told The Owensboro Times, adding:

“At a month old they let us bring him home. He was not thriving, they knew he was not going to make it. We brought him home to meet everyone so he wouldn’t die in a hospital.”

Facebook / Michele Eddings Linn

But since his birth, Braden has been defying all the odds. With the support of his loving family, the little boy started to show signs of progression.

“He had over 30 surgeries, got a tracheotomy at just 3 months old, and once had a procedure done with a 10% survival rate,” Cheri said. “We had to sign the DNR papers, say our goodbyes and everything. Instead of bad news, the doctors came out and said he was okay.”

As well as the support of his loving family he also formed a special bond with registered nurse Michele Eddings Linn.

When Braden was a baby his health fell into decline and his future looked uncertain.

“Anything a mother doesn’t want to hear is what they told us. It’s amazing with faith in God what you can get through. Anyone who knew us or knew of us were praying for us,” Cheri said.

Michele was by his side the night Braden almost lost his life. “I just remember, you know, praying, ‘Lord just either take him home or make him better,’” she said. “Because no one could watch him continue to go through this.”

Linn said when baby Braden pulled through that night he was her first patient who ever got to leave hospice care. Now the two are so close that Braden even asked Michele, who he refers to as his “angel,” to take his senior photos.

“17 years ago I cried because I thought his time on Earth was ending, and now I’m crying because he is graduating [from] high school and his life is just beginning!,” Linn wrote on a Facebook post.

“To watch him become this amazing young man has been emotional, but yet I’m so proud,” mom Cheri told The Epoch Times.

“When I was watching him walk the line, every emotion of the first few months of his life came flooding back. All I could think about was, he isn’t supposed to be doing this, he wasn’t supposed to even be able to hold a pencil, speak, see, hear … and here we are.”

To celebrate such an amazing milestone in Braden’s life his parents organized for him to be flown into the middle of a live concert which featured one of his favorite musicians, country singer Cam Thomspon, via helicopter.

Braden described his graduation day as “perfect”.

“I feel pretty good knowing I worked so hard to get to this day because it wasn’t always easy,” he added.

Braden, who walked with a walker until he was five years old and learned to walk on his own with lots of therapy, is now a member of the civil air patrol unit in Owensboro, Kentucky.

He always dreamed big and now, he’s living out his lifelong dream of becoming a firefighter, joining the Moseleyville fire dept as a volunteer fireman.

His mom Cheri says her son’s achievements serve as a special reminder to those with all the odds stacked against them.

“Don’t ever give up … No matter how hard the mountain is to climb, keep climbing because the view at the top is amazing!”

Thanks to Braden’s faith and determination he’s not only survived but thrived with his amazing grades.

Help us congratulate this inspirational young man and wish him a future of health and happiness by sharing this story.

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