Veteran actor Tom Hanks has likened Clint Eastwood’s directorial style to wrangling animals. Hanks worked with Eastwood for the first time on Sully, the story of...
As Clint Eastwood enters his eighth decade in the movies, WarnerMedia and Warner Bros. are celebrating the actor/producer/filmmaker with a series of initiatives, including Blu-ray and...
Former President Gerald Ford wrote: “John Wayne’s contribution to this Nation has reached far beyond the entertainment industry where he is deeply respected and admired. His...
Clint Eastwood has lived a wholesome life. With a successful career in film and eight children that call him dad, he has had it all. Today,...
Beginning with 1920’s The Golem as the oldest movie with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes score, an increasing number of films have joined the desired list over the years, with...
Clint Eastwood has no shortage of children running around his life, and nearly all are in the entertainment industry with him.As one of the most famous...
Today, western film fans will get the chance to watch Wayne in another of his standout roles, as the classic How the West Was Won airs on BBC Two...
When it comes to movie careers, few Hollywood stars have had as wide a range of experience as the late Robin Williams. The man was in...
A photo of John Wayne from the 1940 film, “The Long Voyage Home.”Courtesy | Wikimedia Commons When a tycoon tried to take a family’s land in...
In the tradition of “Unforgiven” and “Million Dollar Baby,” “Gran Torino” stars and is directed by iconic actor Clint Eastwood in a drama about prejudice and...