10 years after his breakout performance in John Ford’s “Stagecoach,” John Wayne found himself the object of some critical derision due to his insistence on giving...
Clint Eastwood is a stand-up guy. That meaning, he’s willing to stand up in front of the most prominent actors and a live camera. He also...
When you think of classic Western films and television shows there is one type of character that typically stands out amongst the crowd. This character is...
During an appearance on “The Phil Donahue Show” in 1976 iconic film star John Wayne answered questions from fans in the show’s audience. One of these questions focused...
John Wayne was one of the biggest movie stars of the 20th century, thanks in large part to his appearances in WWΙΙ-themed movies, such as Back...
John Wayne actually found himself having to explain why his character of Rooster Cogburn was so different from many of his classic roles, eve apparently breaking...
Clint Eastwood loves cars and an eye for the classics. Over the years, Eastwood has put together an impressive collection of classic rides. When he’s not...
Back in 1945, John Wayne decided he wanted to make a movie about the Battle of the Alamo.The pivotal conflict during the Texan Revolution saw a...
With his relaxed charm and Yorkshire brogue, Michael Parkinson got some of the world’s biggest stars to open up. Martin Chilton pays tribute to once-in-a generation broadcaster Michael...
Taylor Sheridan’s neo-western series Yellowstone revitalized a genre deeply rooted in old Western ideals. When the show started, it treaded on a rocky patch, but as it progressed,...