In the 1952 Oscar-winning classic, considered by director John Ford to be his sexiest movie, John Wayne’s retired boxer Sean Thornton makes a pilgrimage to his home...
The western is one of the most beloved genres of all.In recent years, it seems to have been making a comeback of sorts. Just a few...
John Wayne might’ve been full of macho swagger on the big screen, but off-screen he was given to fretting. A large portion of the blame for...
At 90 years old, Clint Eastwood is still going strong. Ellen DeGeneres pointed that out to the Hollywood icon during a 2019 interview on her show....
John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara, stars of the iconic Irish film “The Quiet Man”, discussed one of their more unusual stories from the famous film in...
John Wayne is a Hollywood icon with a presence so dominating, he defined two different American film genres: Westerns and war films. While Hollywood’s golden age may have...
Hollywood has been an institution of American cinema for generations, producing some of the country’s greatest artists and creative minds, including actors Marlon Brando and Leonardo...
Introducing ‘Do We Get to Win This Time?’
John Wayne had finally broken free of Poverty Row B-flicks as the lead of John Ford’s classic Western “Stagecoach” when he jockeyed for the lead in...
Clint Eastwood is an actor, director, producer, father, and now animal lover? He once admitted to letting squirrels in his office. Do you think he would...