John Wayne had iconic fight sequences on the silver screen that revolutionized fist throwing in cinema. However, he also had some hilarious stories involving his run-ins...
Actor John Wayne once had a publicist named Jim Heneghan who conned him in a hilarious way. This behavior initially slipped under his radar, but it...
Actor John Wayne had a very good idea of what type of movie worked best for him. However, his critics judged him for sticking too close...
John Wayne was unmistakable in movies. His career lasted six decades because of his indelible presence on camera. One of his trademark attributes could be credited...
John Wayne spent much of his Hollywood career playing tough-as-nails characters. Many of The Duke’s portrayals came in westerns and war movies; sci fi movies like...
John Wayne Once Revealed the Real Reason Why He Didn’t Serve in the Military: ‘I Was America’
Actor John Wayne had a grave without a marker for almost 20 years. However, the family did this to serve a specific purpose. The Western star...
Actor John Wayne had three wives and seven children over the course of his life. He always gave the public image that he was a family...
John Wayne and Elvis Presley are some of the most iconic figures in entertainment history. However, their fans primarily know them for different mediums of art....
True Grit is one of John Wayne‘s most iconic movies he ever starred in. As a result, many of his fans continue to dive into the...