Although his film “Unforgiven” earned him Best Director and Best Picture at the 1993 Oscars, Clint Eastwood was advised against making the film originally. According to the Clint Eastwood...
In 1976, the script for what would become the classic Clint Eastwood Western, Unforgiven, written by David Webb Peoples, was complete. However, the film wouldn’t hit...
Late film legend John Wayne, also known as “The Duke,” still stands tall today thanks to his classic roles in such movie Westerns as “El Dorado,”...
Everyone who loves Clint Eastwood movies has their own favorites but which ones make the list for the famed movie star and director? All of them cover a...
John Wayne once said “a man deserves a second chance, but keep an eye on him.” The pilgrims at Family Entertainment Television are giving The Duke...
Movie star John Wayne had strong feelings regarding the Vietnam War. Some actors steered clear of making their political beliefs public to avoid alienating moviegoing audiences. However, Wayne and Oscar-winner...
It’s OK that you love Clint Eastwood movies and it’s cool if you dig his action movies a whole lot but one is now on Netflix. Which one, though,...
The name John Wayne still holds weight in Hollywood. It’s impossible to think about the Western genre without bringing up the iconic actor. However, John Wayne is not his real...
Clint Eastwood has decades of success to his name as an actor and director, with no plans to retire any time soon, but his biggest accolade is having a...
At the request of his daughters, Gene Hackman nearly turned down his Oscar-winning role alongside Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. When Hackman was offered a spot in the infamous Western,...