Clint Eastwood, an iconic actor and filmmaker, has made an enduring impact on the world of cinema. Renowned for his memorable performances in Dirty Harry and The Good, the...
Clint Eastwood is a man who wears many hats. An Oscar-winning actor as well as an Oscar-winning director, Eastwood’s talents are incomparable and his movies continue...
Having starred in the first outing of John Ford’s Cavalry trilogy in 1948’s Fort Apache, John Wayne returned to lead the director’s follow-up in She Wore...
Clint Eastwood had already predicted the enduring success of Tom Cruise in the industry when he stated that Cruise would outlast all other actors by at...
True Grit, based on Charles Portis’ 1968 novel of the same name, brought Wayne a much longed-for Oscar in 1969. As soon as he had read...
There’s no doubt that Clint Eastwood is one of the most iconic actors of all time, having practically transcended the profession into becoming a true cultural force in...
The Green Berets got John Wayne into a fair amount of trouble with most movie critics and some audiences. The war film displays a very particular view on the...
Clint Eastwood was one of the biggest global box office draws during the Seventies and the Eighties, but at the time, he never quite got enough...
Clint Eastwood is a legendary actor and director known for his iconic roles in films such as The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Dirty Harry, and Unforgiven. In 2004,...
CAHILL US MARSHALL was one of John Wayne’s last Westerns and saw the ageing Hollywood star pushing on through despite his declining health. His worst-reviewed film...