Hollywood’s most iconic cowboy, John Wayne, gave the mythic battle at The Alamo a modern presence with his 1960 film. “The Alamo,” shot in Brackettville, Texas was...
Some of television’s most iconic western stars came together in the 1990s giving fans the best beer commercials ever made. It’s a throwback to some of...
John Wayne did establish himself as one of the greatest actors ever in Western films. But did you know that he invented a punch? The venerable...
Over the years, actors have not always used their real names onscreen. John Wayne happens to fall in that category. So, how did he get his name? After...
“This is the west sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” The famous line uttered by a newspaperman in John Ford’s masterpiece The Man...
The 1950s and 1960s brought with it a very talented group of young actors. That group included the tough guys Burt Reynolds and Clint Eastwood. These...
RIO LOBO saw John Wayne in very poor health and really struggling through his more active scenes. Despite this, his co-star Jennifer O’Neill, who was punched...
Despite his decades-long career, Rooster Cogburn was the only time John Wayne appeared in a sequel. Wayne made his screen debut with an uncredited appearance in...
When John Wayne showed up on television, he was usually playing himself in a showbiz cameo, like his “I Love Lucy” guest appearance. As one of...
For decades, Wayne straddled the screen, the ultimate symbol of US frontier and even military machismo. Firmly right-wing in his personal and public views, his third...