John Wayne continues to exist as one of the timeless faces of the Western film genre. However, he also revolutionized the art of the Hollywood fight sequence...
True crime might not be the first type of show that comes to mind when you think of the offerings on Amazon Prime Video. The perpetually...
Ann-Margret once starred in one of John Wayne’s lesser-known movies. However, she refused to call him by his popular moniker Duke. Here’s a look at the...
Clint Eastwood and John Wayne are the two biggest legends in the history of Western movies, however, they never worked together. The duo did have the...
15. The SearchersWarner Bros.I should get the other controversy out of the way. “The Searchers” is to John Ford what “Rio Bravo” is to Howard Hawks....
We all love to reference a great quote from our favorite movies and television shows. But, we sometimes get those quotes wrong. This is often the...
It’s as good a day as any to trot out a terrific John Wayne quote and make sure you’re living your life up to his lofty...
John Wayne had a strong understanding of his target audience. He will always remain a western movie icon, but he certainly turned down some significant roles in...
The Mandalorian premiered on Disney+ in November 2019. Pedro Pascal plays Din Djarin, the main character of the popular Star Wars series. While Pascal provides the...
The world of film, much like comic books (and really any other media, not that I mention it) is a very much “monkey see, monkey do”...