In 1948, John ‘Duke’ Wayne teamed up with brilliant director Howard Hawks for the classic Western, “Red River”. In the film, Duke plays Tom Dunson, an...
The western legend made the blunt joke at his co-star’s expense, leaving an audience in stitches John Wayne, the Academy Award-winning actor and star of hits...
I loved everything I did with my dad. He carried these autograph cards, and as a little kid, it was my job to have them ready...
JOHN WAYNE was left heartbroken and feeling like a “failure” because he had disappointed the “two people he cared for most”, something that led to him...
In the late 1970s, actor John Wayne received a letter from The People’s Almanac, who had a question: what is John Wayne‘s favorite movie? The actor, who many people think...
Clint Eastwood, who recently turned 92, remains one of Hollywood cinema’s most profitable, and recognisable, stars, after decades spent in Tinsel Town. He has received universal...
John Wayne tried to break his Western typecasting early on in his career – which almost destroyed it. A look at Wayne’s filmography reveals he made...
When John Wayne decided he was going to do something, there wasn’t much anyone could do to stop him. His history is littered with instances of...
John Wayne couldn’t stand John Ford on The Horse Soldiers set and begged the film’s producer to lie to the director for him, enraging the filmmaker...
When actor John Wayne visited American soldiers in Vietnam in the summer of 1966, he was warmly welcomed. As he spoke to groups and individuals, he...