Back in 1953, Clark Gable – lead of Gone with the Wind which premiered 83 years ago today – starred opposite Ava Gardner and Grace Kelly...
By the 1970s, John Wayne was coming towards the end of his career as a Hollywood star. In 1973, aged 65-years-old, he had been living with one lung...
Judi Dench has described Clint Eastwood as “the most laidback man” she’s ever met. The British actor is a guest on a forthcoming episode of Louis Theroux Interviews… during which the...
1. John Wayne as Genghis Khan, “The Conqueror” (1956) Now, if you’re thinking, “Wait, that can’t be right,” rest assured, your eyes are not...
Marlon Brando is one of the most iconic actors from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Known for his intense acting style and tendency to take on...
Actors John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara had undeniable chemistry on the silver screen. However, they also had a strong mutual respect that extended to real life away from the world...
JOHN WAYNE had a real issue with Kirk Douglas’ Spartacus, , and publically condemned the movie. The Hollywood legends still ended up starring opposite each other...
John Wayne played a lot of different roles throughout his life – tough cowboys, gruff soldiers. But at heart, he was always a family man. Wayne had...
One of the funniest and most memorable scenes from the John Wayne comedy McLintock! is the mudslide fight. But filming it was anything but fun, according to The Duke’s son...
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