With the John Wick 4 release date now upon is, it’s hard to envision anyone apart from Keanu Reeves heading the action movie franchise. But a new book has revealed that the...
Regarded as the director’s most captivating film, the story follows the journey of Duke’s character, retired boxer Sean Thornton, as he returns to his hometown in...
Actor John Wayne escalated his career in Hollywood to the next level with Stagecoach. However, the movie star went through quite a difficult journey working on B-movie Western flicks with no...
Legendary tough guy John Wayne never served a day in the US military and has long been accused of being a ‘draft dodger’ A shocking new book...
Before Western legend John Wayne passed away, he had his heart set on making one last film. But unfortunately, his dream never made it to the big screen.In...
The famous film, which tells the story of a boxer who returns to his native Ireland to purchase his old family farm, helped to create an...
The movie in question? Buster Keaton’s silent classic, “The General” (1927), which filmed on location in Cottage Grove, and, as the reader claims, “actually wrecked a live steam...
It was 71 years ago today that The Quiet Man hit UK cinemas. John Wayne teamed up with director collaborator John Ford once again for the Oscar-winning classic....
Maureen O’Hara and John Wayne may have produced several other movies together as the leading stars but it is The Quiet Man that will always stand...
Ladies’ ManJohn Wayne’s on-screen persona opposite his cinematic love interests was often shy, bordering on awkward. But when the cameras stopped rolling, Wayne was actually a...