The latter has been active in Hollywood since the 1950s, eventually trying his hand at directing, releasing his feature debut, Play Misty For Me, in 1971. Since...
THE BIG PICTURE Sofia Coppola changes the perspective of The Beguiled to explore the complexities of 19th-century gender dynamics. Coppola gives more depth and motivation to the female...
In 1997, James Caan joined The Late Show with David Letterman to starred on John Wayne after they alongside one another on the hit movie El...
Clint Eastwood surprisingly related to the infamous toilet scene in Dumb and Dumber, sharing a similar experience with Jeff Daniels. Eastwood’s comment shows that humor can...
The enduring legacy of actor John Wayne, America’s ultimate cowboy, was celebrated last month, fittingly enough, by the Cowboy Channel in association with the John Wayne:...
John Wayne (May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979) was an American movie Actor, director, and producer, known in movies like Stagecoach, Angel and the Bad...
Writer James Vanderbilt had wanted to adapt Robert Graysmith’s book of the same name after first reading it at 15 years old, making him the perfect...
Because my father was an avid hunter with superb aim, he was drawn like a bear to honey to these local get-togethers. Boys competed against each...
Over the years, Bruce Dern has made quite a career in film. From acting to producing and just about every facet of the industry. One of...
When you think of Hollywood, you think of Clint Eastwood. A genuine icon, Clint Eastwood has made many of the best thriller movies and best Westerns ever. So much so, it is almost impossible...