For the three-part Gunsmoke episode “Gold Train,” Matt Dillon receives a bullet wound that Doc decides is beyond his skill level to operate. This sends the...
Arnold’s 93rd birthday wish was heartfelt: to hear his children’s laughter fill his house one last time. The table was set, the turkey roasted, and the...
The former James Bond actor noted that he would only resort to hitting a woman “if he had tried everything else” at the time. At the...
Clint Eastwood is a legendary name in Hollywood. He remains one of the biggest western movie stars of all time. However, the world also knows him...
Cheyenne star Clint Walker was big, handsome, and a key player in the development of TV westerns. This rugged mountain of a man, said to stand...
Robert Redford’s brutal assessment of why it would ‘never work’ with Barbra StreisandRobert Redford didn’t mince his words when voicing concern about his and Barbara Streisand’s...
When communication with my daughter became too infrequent, I decided to surprise her by flying to her city and bringing her favorite treat. But when she...
Robert Duvall later took aim at another legendary director who he confirmed he wasn’t a fan of. Actor Robert Duvall…. The American star made a name...
James Garner once claimed he “almost decked” fellow Hollywood actor Lee Marvin after he tried to make a move on his wife. James was an American...
Some memories don’t fade; they burn like the fire I ran through as a child to save a little girl. Twenty-three years later, I found myself...