On Friday, the newly-appointed King Charles III will make his first televised address to Britons, as he confirms his place as the new monarch. While Her...
Legendary actor/director Clint Eastwood said one 1958 movie experience left him so raw he considered quitting acting. But Maggie Johnson, Eastwood’s wife at the time, convinced...
The Big Trail actor John Wayne ultimately became one of the world’s biggest movie stars. However, it took some time for his audiences to catch onto his style. Director...
Actor John Wayne once had to endure dysentery over the course of filming The Big Trail. The movie was a box office bomb, but it went down in history for...
“Go ahead… Make my day.” If you are a Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry fan then Sideshow will make your day with this announcement. Today Sideshow has...
Throughout his career, which saw him star in more than 170 films and TV productions, the man nicknamed Duke would achieve huge success, but none more...
Two figures stand tall among the history of American Western cinema – John Wayne and Clint Eastwood both have storied careers in the, but when they...
Clint Eastwood‘s western days may be behind him. But the 89-year actor likes to look back on his early career and films fondly. For instance, he...
Actor Clint Eastwood is one lucky guy! He’s dated a lot of gorgeous women in Hollywood, including his ex-wives Maggie Johnson and Dina Eastwood (née Ruiz)....
An effort by Orange County supervisors to come up with new logos for John Wayne Airport has seemingly reignited the long simmering debate over Wayne, his views on...