Directed by Don Siegel, The Shootist would become the legendary John Wayne‘s final film. The 1976 release sees Wayne play J.B. Books, an aging gunfighter who...
Clint Eastwood is firmly locked in on the Mount Rushmore of the Western genre. One could easily make an argument that he belongs on the Mount...
There’s a popular misconception that John Wayne was a stiff-limbed movie star with limited range, but, in reality, he was capable of making subtle adjustments in...
CLINT EASTWOOD is still making and starring in movies at the age of 91. How has he managed to stay in good health? The star’s son...
Who doesn’t love John Wayne? The tough-talking cowboy dominated the silver screen for decades, captivating audiences with his endless charisma and dynamic swagger. Growing up, I...
Clint Eastwood hates his first and only foray into the musical genre, which was Paint Your Wagon. Released in 1969, Paint Your Wagon was an off-brand...
Back in September 1964, John Wayne was set to re-team with Rio Bravo director Howard Hawks and co-star Dean Martin in The Sons of Katie Elder,...
Prolific actor Clint Eastwood was originally supposed to direct A Star Is Born before Bradley Cooper helmed the project. But when Eastwood was in charge, there...
If all-powerful movie star John Wayne can lose his life savings not once but twice to people he trusted, what chance do you have? In a...
Even if you’ve never watched a western movie, you will undoubtedly be familiar with John Wayne and his close association with the genre. Beginning his career in the...