Throughout the 20th century, John Wayne burned himself into the minds of America with remarkable portrayals of the cowboy archetype. A true hero of the films of the...
John Ford was a legendary filmmaker and Hollywood icon who directed some of the greatest movies of all time including The Searchers, The Grapes of Wrath, and The Man Who Shot...
At 91 years old, Clint Eastwood continues to be one of Hollywood’s most prolific directors. Eastwood often puts projects together quickly; Richard Jewell began filming in June and hit its...
Western actor John Wayne was in for quite the change of scenery when Clint Eastwood stepped onto the scene. They will forever be compared for the type of...
I feel a little bad for Clint Eastwood. What do you do after you become a legend? Post-Unforgiven, a film in which Eastwood wrestles with his own...
The scene of Gardner being pushed into a mud pool by a baby elephant was only captured because Ford ignored the actress’ cries for help as...
At 91 years of age, Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood has directed and starred in a new mainstream film with Cry Macho, once again proving that there’s no slowing down...
John Carpenter once wrote a Western for John Wayne called Blood River, but here’s why it didn’t happen. Carpenter grew up a major fan of Westerns, with Rio...
Movie star John Wayne became closely intertwined with Westerns over the course of his career. He also dug into the war genre, but he was deeply associated with...
Here’s every time Clint Eastwood has died in a movie. The Dollars trilogy came to define Eastwood’s screen persona, as the Man with No Name had...