Pale Rider(1985), directed by and starring Clint Eastwood, is a mystic Western where Eastwood reprises his iconic role as the mysterious loner, perhaps, for the last...
The star’s life is still discussed and devoured years after his death in 1979, with loyal fans continuing to enjoy his performances. Outside of the silver...
NCIS star Wilmer Valderrama teases references to his That ’70s Show role in an upcoming episode. The actor portrays NCIS Special Agent Nick Torres, a character that’s a far...
CLINT EASTWOOD, who turned 92 this week, has made many classic Westerns during his incredible career, but one saw him become so fed up with the...
Steve McQueen was flying high in his career, having had hits such as The Great Escape (1963) and The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) under his belt,...
Clint Eastwood has been a celebrated director for over 50 years, winning the Best Director Academy Award for “Unforgiven” and “Million Dollar Baby.” Working on his...
The Duke remains iconic for his leading roles in numerous Hollywood Westerns, including his Oscar-winning turn in 1969’s True Grit. But when he was asked to name his...
Loyalty can do wonderful things when you’re in the entertainment business. However, that sort of trust can only carry you so far, and those limits have...
Steve McQueen didn’t become the epitome of Hollywood cool by playing it safe. Having survived a rough childhood, during which he was beaten repeatedly by his...
John Wayne has earned his status as the King of Hollywood Westerns with his nearly unbelievable quantity of outlaw stories. Wayne’s filmography is essentially a catalog of...