The 1971 action-thriller Dirty Harry was an iconic movie for Clint Eastwood, who portrayed a San Francisco Police Officer named Harry Callahan. The role of Harry...
If you ever find yourself wondering how Clint Eastwood has managed to stay so damn healthy despite being in his 90s, we’ve got your answer. And...
When Eastwood pegged Swank as boxer Maggie Fitzgerald in the 2004 flick, she had just earned her A-list status in Hollywood with her first Oscar for...
Clint Eastwood is the amiable elderly gentleman running drugs for the cartel; Bradley Cooper the DEA agent tracking down the drug ring’s most competent courier. Having...
The 1993 film is among Eastwood’s best directorial efforts. At 91 years old, Clint Eastwood continues to be one of Hollywood’s most prolific directors. Eastwood often...
Clint Eastwood is an iconic actor, producer, director, and composer. It turns out he can be very strict on set, especially while directing! Matt Damon opened...
If you know Clint Eastwood and western films, then you definitely know Pale Rider. The 1985 classic has positive reviews all around the internet, with critics...
When it came to roasting celebrities, no one did it better than Don Rickles. In a television classic, the brash comedian took on Clint Eastwood, and...
Clint Eastwood is a mega movie star and director who has made millions of dollars. Yet he almost didn’t make this movie. The story goes that...
Jean Seberg and Clint Eastwood worked together in the 1968 film Paint Your Wagon. During their time together, they fell in love and Clint ended up...