Jacklyn Healy’s husband of 69 years was the late Maj. Gen. Michael Healy, an Army Special Forces legend nicknamed “Iron Mike,” an inspiration for the tough, intrepid John...
The 1993 film is among Eastwood’s best directorial efforts. At 91 years old, Clint Eastwood continues to be one of Hollywood’s most prolific directors. Eastwood often...
The 1960s were rough on John Wayne. Rebellious Baby Boomers had by and large rejected the conservative star of numerous Westerns and war films, which threw...
Clint Eastwood is an iconic actor, producer, director, and composer. It turns out he can be very strict on set, especially while directing! Matt Damon opened...
Wayne was renowned for detesting the values of communism, so much so he even played a prominent role in creating the Motion Picture Alliance for the...
If you know Clint Eastwood and western films, then you definitely know Pale Rider. The 1985 classic has positive reviews all around the internet, with critics...
By the 1970s, John Wayne was coming towards the end of his career as a Hollywood star. In 1973, aged 65-years-old, he had been living with one lung...
When it came to roasting celebrities, no one did it better than Don Rickles. In a television classic, the brash comedian took on Clint Eastwood, and...
‘Baby Face’ (1933) – 7.5/10The Most Popular John Wayne Movies According to IMDb ‘The Longest Day’ (1962) – 344 ‘The Quiet Man’ (1952) – 367 ‘Chisum’...
Clint Eastwood is a mega movie star and director who has made millions of dollars. Yet he almost didn’t make this movie. The story goes that...