David Fincher’s Zodiac has inspirations that root deeper than the film’s subject itself. The 2007 crime drama continues to impress audiences looking for an engaging mystery. However, Fincher actually worked...
In the 1960s, Clint Eastwood went from a struggling TV actor to a Western icon when he landed his legendary Man With No Name role. Known...
John Wayne and Gene Hackman are both legendary actors. Wayne established himself as a tough guy on the screen while being a behind-the-scenes prankster. Meanwhile, Hackman emulated his acting hero...
Legendary actor Clint Eastwood became a household name, ironically, for playing the Man With No Name in the Dollars trilogy. However, less well-known is the story of how...
When was the last time you were truly dazzled by a special effect? Our mainstream media landscape has been consumed by CGI to the point where...
John Wayne became an icon over the course of his career, particularly from his roles in war and great western movies throughout Hollywood’s Golden Age. Fans of Wayne might also...
It’s undeniable; Clint Eastwood is one of the all-time greats of cinema, but with a filmography as impressive as his, how do you pick a favorite? Critics weighed...
He is known for his successful acting and directing careers, but another thing that Clint Eastwood has surprisingly done is actually teaching soldiers how to swim. During a...
“I never trust a man that doesn’t drink,” John Wayne famously said. What about a university? The family of legendary actor John “The Duke” Wayne is...
Of course, Clint Eastwood has had a stellar career as an actor and director. Before the success, though, he did spend time as a life guard. What was...